Newsletter ~ December 7 2013

Hello Everyone,
Lots of things have gone on between now and the last newsletter…
For awhile I got focused on building my Web design business, only working on my health studies to continue implementing and experimenting on improving my own health and healing, rather than reaching out and offering my health knowledge and service to others.
But now I’m doing a bit of a reboot. My Web design is going on the back burner and I’m now excited to start focusing more strongly on my passion for reaching out to help people on their healing journeys…
I’m not yet sure what this reboot will end up looking like, but I have lots of ideas brewing…
What’s New?


In the end of 2011 I did a lot of study in ‘mineral balancing’ through Dr. Lawrence Wilson. I have not yet completed his course, because I got sidetracked onto other things, but I’m planning on working on it and completing it soon.
In 2012 I did some study into essential oils, taking a ‘C.A.R.E.’ course where I learned various techniques for using essential oils topically in massage and something called ‘raindrop technique’. All very exciting information, I had no idea that these oils were so powerful and amazing, able to do so many things. Ever since I’ve been playing with them and I hope to set aside some time to learn the science/chemistry of them. I have a book as thick, but not as thin of pages, as the bible filled with such info, just waiting to be absorbed into my brain…
Also in 2012 I took an acupressure class. It was AWESOME. I hope to continue my studies deeper into acupressure as well. I find it extremely fascinating.
The beginning of 2013 I got really interested in learning ‘live blood analysis’, how to read various lab work, as well as how to put the info obtained to good use.
I was researching one day and ended up tripping across ‘FDN’, aka ‘Functional diagnostic nutrition’. After reading a bit on it, I decided to dive into their study course so I could learn their methods and become a ‘FDN Practitioner’.

Their course was better than I thought it would be! They taught me how to read various labwork results, Hormones, Immune system, Detox and Digestion, to understand how people’s systems are functioning at a deep subclinical level. (subclinical, basically means before there are actual acute symptoms present.) I’m really excited to have these new tools available to me that can help find true ROOT causes of issues, enabling me to help people heal themselves at an even deeper level…
No band-aids, true healing only please! Thus far I have been experimenting on myself and the results have been very good. I just need to put more focus on it and not ‘cheat’.. 😉
In 2013 I also started working on putting ‘desmoid tumor’ help and research onto my website. I’m hoping to expand this and possibly create a full program to help people stabilize their condition. I haven’t yet completely gotten rid of the desmoid I have, but it’s extremely stable with minimal pain. (I had been stuck in a wheelchair due to the severe pain it caused. I am now walking & exercising, pushing myself to new levels) As soon as its gone, I’m hoping to be able to make a clear plan for others to follow.
Also worthy of mentioning is I was shown ‘Paul Chek’ and the ‘Chek institute’ by a friend… And I’m very impressed! In fact i even went to a Chek practitioner for awhile who ended up really helping me. That then caused me to get more interested in body mechanics.
Right now I’m currently looking into massage classes at ‘the healing arts institute’ & looking into the Chek institute. I’m extremely interested in learning more about anatomy and physiology. Getting a more balanced full body education, looking a bit more at the macro scale, rather than all micro scale. (macro = big things we see and feel; muscles, bones, posture… Micro = small things we can’t see; hormones, nutrients.. Ect)
And I’m also working on putting the time into finding ways to help YOU and provide you with information and the help you need to reach your health goals… I will keep you updated on the latest…
-your organic coach