
Hello, My name is Brittni.

I was raised with ‘alternative health’ as the norm, healthy eating was easy and fun when I was young. I had never heard of sugar until I became school aged and tasted my first candy bar at about the age of 7, at that point, everything changed. 

I slowly became a ‘choco-holic’ and loved all things sugar. White flour became a daily staple, in the form of bread, pasta, cookies & scones, the microwave and the freezer became the main ways to get and prepare food.

Slowly this lifestyle changed me for the worst, I went from a healthy bright eyed, allergy-less, boundless energy, clear thinking kid. Into a ‘spacey’, unclear thinking, sneeze-every-morning because of allergies, teenager with mild depression. 

The sad thing was, I didn’t know why I felt the way I felt, I didn’t know why I didn’t have the vitality of my childhood, and I thought it was just a part of growing up.

After some major health crisis’s starting in 2007, I ended up going back to my roots and studying all things alternative health. Slowly I began to heal and recover my health and happiness, which I give all the credit for to God (Yahweh, the God of abraham, issac and jacob) I wouldn’t be who I am today if I didn’t have his love and support, and guiding hand.

After much study, I began to notice myself bringing it up in every day conversations with others, I was surprised how little most people knew about their own bodies!

I began sharing little bits and pieces of knowledge I had acquired from personal experience, and study. After some time of this, I realized how much I not only loved studying alternative health, but how I loved sharing it with others! 

After this revelation I decided to find a ‘nutrition school’. In my search I came across alot of ‘secular’ health schools, which I knew weren’t for me, but then one day I came across IIN (Institute for integrative nutrition), I was surprised by how much their curriculum lined up with my way of thinking about things!

So I received my training to be a Certified Health Coaching at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, which is the only nutrition school integrating all the different dietary theories—combining the knowledge of traditional philosophies with modern concepts like the USDA food pyramid, the glycemic index, the Zone and raw foods.

Since going to IIN, I continued my studies deeper into various health topics, and continued to receive various certificates. 

Some of the topics are: Mineral balancing science, Hair tissue analysis, Accupressure, Science & healing with Essential Oils, Raindrop (essential oils technique), MovNat, Primal/Paleo lifestyle, Stress hormones, Endocrine System function and balancing, Systemic Candida, Liver health and function, Gut health and function.

In 2013 I became interested in incorporating lab work with my education, because i often see practitioners ‘shooting in the dark’ with their clients, just hoping that the protocol they are offering is addressing the root cause, without actually knowing or having proof.

In my search to find labwork training, I found FDN and was excited to get started in their educational program. October 2013 I graduated from FDN (functional diagnostic nutrition) and became a FDN practitioner. 

My FDN education has enabled me to be able to use labwork as a way to personalize and better pin point root causes of peoples unbalanced health, thus getting even better results.